From The Person Who Brought You Common Core...
Ignoring his failed record as Obama’s Secretary of Education, LAUSD board candidate Marilyn Koziatek accepts Arne Duncan’s endorsement.
LAUSD School Board Candidates Weigh In On Charter Schools' Use Of PPP
Charter Schools plundered the Payroll Protection Program leaving workers struggling as the economic crisis brought on by COVID-19 deepens.
Deputy City Attorney Tries To Stop Vote Holding Lee Accountable
Northridge East Neighborhood Council overrules board president and votes to keep the resolution on the agenda despite “confidential” threats.
Will Neighborhood Council Ask John Lee If He Is "City Staffer B?"
Northridge East is expected to consider a resolution asking LA City Councilman if he is the city employee referenced in the federal indictment of his former boss.
Koziatek Silent As Granada Hills Charter Double Dips At The Public Trough
LAUSD School Board Candidate Marilyn Koziatek will not answer questions about Granada Hills Charter taking over $8 million from the Paycheck Protection Program.
CA-25 Candidate Christy Smith On Federal Education Issues
Trump is attacking former school board member Christy Smith. What are her real positions on the issues?
Did Marilyn Koziatek Accept An Illegal Campaign Contribution?
Complaint filed with Ethics Commission alleges that reducing school board candidate’s job responsibilities without a salary reduction violates the law.
It Is Time For "City Staffer B" To Come Clean
Now that his former boss has pleaded guilty, it is time for John Lee to reveal to his constituents if he is the person referred to in the indictment.
Activism in the Coronavirus Era
Feeling more depressed than usual? Feeling like there really isn’t anything you can do? I get it. The good news is - necessity is the mother of (re)invention. Here are some ways that you can stay active to drive change right from the comfort of your Lysol disinfected phone, desk, and keyboard.
It Didn't Stay In Vegas: Is Councilman John Lee "City Staffer B"?
Voters in Los Angeles’ CD12 could be headed to the polls for the fourth time in a year as a City Councilman is implicated in a corruption scandal.