A Tale Of Two Presidents
As he prepares for his second inauguration, Trump’s actions in the wake of Carter’s death provided a sharp contrast between the two leaders.
Woke And Definitely Not Broke
The money earned by Universal from Wicked, a cautionary tale about propaganda that also has DEI themes, is as green as Elphaba’s skin.
A Look At The 2024 Los Angeles Election Results
In 2024, Angelenos were inconsistent. In some cases, they shifted to the right, while in others they pushed back against Trumpism.
...And The Use Of Protest Votes
Third-party voters were blamed for indirectly helping Trump win his election in 2016. This year, some took a more active role.
Biden Could Secure His Legacy With This One Move
There is particular cruelty in the fact that an adjudicated rapist has twice blocked the glass ceiling from being broken. This can be fixed.
Direct Democracy
California citizens can legislate through the initiative process. These are the 10 propositions they will consider in the November election.
For Those Who Have Blocked Out The Memory Of Trump's Presidency
Is “Are you better off than you were four years ago” really a question Trump should ask? For starters, we aren’t in the middle of a pandemic.
Not Fit To Serve
Former President and draft dodger Donald Trump has once again insulted those who have served our country and paid with their life and limbs.
Defenders Of Public Education?
After years of paralleling Republican education policies, will Democrats finally support public schools under Kamala Harris and Tim Walz?