Desperate Republicans And The Threat Of Violence
Instead of moving away from policies that are deeply unpopular with the electorate, members of the GOP look towards imposing their will.
Gender Confusion
An Olympic athlete provides an example to conservatives as to why defining gender is not as black and white as they proclaim.
One Old Guy Out. One To Go?
The GOP successfully pushed a narrative that Biden is too old to be reelected. Will they now hold a 78-year-old Trump to the same standards?
Celebrating Diversity
Students come from many different types of families, and they all have a right to know that the city they call home supports and welcomes them.
Online Forum For School Board Candidates Scheduled
Six people have qualified for the LAUSD BD3 race. They will get a chance to face the voters on Saturday, February 3, 2024, at 9:00 AM.
Crunch Time
Potential candidates for the LAUSD have until Wednesday to submit petitions with the required number of signatures to appear on the ballot.
School Board Member Will Not Support SpEd Resolution
LAUSD BD 3's Scott Schmerelson claims "it is not feasible for the District to pursue" changes that would protect parents’ choices during the IEPs that are held for children with Special Education needs.
Maintaining Freedom Is A Never Ending Fight
“That all men are created equal” with the right to “Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness” may be “self-evident,” but it’s not automatic.
Will Voters Strike A Blow Against Institutionalized Corruption?
Los Angeles City Councilman Curren Price is facing corruption charges. Now his long-time Deputy Chief Of Staff wants a seat on the council.
And The Lesson Today Is How To Hate
With bigotry and anger on display, a group opposed to LGBTQ+ rights violently protest inclusiveness at a North Hollywood elementary school.