Northridge Indivisible

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Appreciating union workers: a new holiday tradition for social media

We have a holiday coming up. Usually, on a national holiday, particularly Veterans and Memorial Days, our social media feeds are inundated with reverential accolades for the folks we’re celebrating.

Labor Day is about workers, specifically union workers. Unions are as American as the No. 2 combo at McDonald’s, with an apple pie on the side.

My husband was in a union once. Many of his former colleagues still are. Cops are in unions and they spend a lot of money on elections. Firefighters. Teachers. Nurses. Those folks who put up skyscrapers, like my late grandfather did, and then routinely fix their elevators and escalators. The people who cut your social security check and manage your Medicare. The ones who empty your trash can when you leave your desk at night. They build your car, tractor, and motorcycle, then ship it overseas. What don’t they do?

You probably know someone in a union. Tell us about them. Post a picture. We want to see the folks whom we can thank for the work they do and appreciate them for the world they’ve given us. Not just the fruits of their labor, but the lives we lead.

A life with a good job and a living wage; one with safety, a pension, insurance, vacation and a 40-hour work week. Thank you for being the backbone of our country, union members. In return, we will vote in your favor. When unions are strong, America is strong.